McCabe’s Coffee LTD

Stephen McCabe, Managing Director

John Kimondo.JPG

Hometree's purpose is planting trees, how does this align with your company / organisation?
We are committed to a sustainable business approach to minimise any negative effect on this generation and generations to come. We have calculated that planting about 2000 trees a year makes us carbon negative, carbon neutral is not enough for us.

What inspires you to work with a regeneration process like Hometree?
You plant trees and rewild areas in Ireland where we live, work and play. We love the idea that we and customers can get involved and visit. 

Some of the trees you are planting you will not see mature, together we are working towards a more abundant and biodiverse future, in three or four sentences please describe what you would like to do more of in the future?
We understand that you plant 15% more than we pay for to offset trees that do not mature. I would like to see all business taxed if not carbon neutral by annual inspection.

Working with you, tree-nation, growing organic offers, insisting on environmentally friendly water systems, collection and recycling all our composite packaging with Terracycle, supplying our coffee waste for compost with local council.

Do you have a memory to share about a tree / forest / nature?
We have a passion for the natural world, the sea, mountains and forest. We love to travel and explore the world. 

Has there been any key moments that you can share about how you or your organisation decided to support a more abundant and healthier world?
Watching David Attenborough’s film.

We’d love to hear and share any key lessons that life has taught you, in as little or many words as you like. 
You’ve 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. Be kind to people.

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