Last month saw the end of our latest tree planting season. As with all work done in Nature, we must keep up with the seasons. Since the arrival of Spring there has been a flourish of life on our sites and in our nursery, from seeds germinating, saplings budding, and flowers emerging.
Read MoreCarbon offsets are credits that represent a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Organisations and individuals can buy them to offset their impact on climate change.
Read MoreWe are looking for Administrative and Financial Officer - application closes April 9. Reporting to the CEO, the following is a brief description of the principal duties that the Administrative and Financial Officer will be required to carry out on an initial basis.
Read MoreThe 2022 Irish National Forest Inventory has just been released. This major report undertaken every four years by the Forest Service assesses the extent, constitution, and health of Ireland's forests.
Read MoreIreland has just 1% of its native woodlands left. Although the state is currently experiencing significant difficulty delivering its outgoing, and incoming forestry policy, it has in the past facilitated ecologically sound native woodland expansion at landscape scale.
Read MoreThe Rainforest Project is moving onto its next phase. We visited a new site in Sligo last week. It had beautiful pockets of old hazel woodland amongst banks of blanket peat. The potential is huge. Our site in Galway has had its preliminary ecological assessment completed. The results are intriguing.
Read MoreIn 2022 we grew Hawthorn, Alder, Scots Pine and Birch from seed in the poly-tunnel using an organic, no dig approach. In the last month these trees have been pulled and are ready to be planted on Hometree projects or sold.
Read MoreLast year we were honoured to have Fabian Bona as our volunteer for the whole season of autumn, one of the busiest times in the year for us. Fabian joined us as part of his internship for study program of International Forest Ecosystem Management at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany.
Read MoreWe have been asked a lot in the last week to respond to the news regarding Coillte's re-entrance to the forestry creation space. It is a big story and there is nuance and complexity involved, but essentially it will see the semi-state forestry company Coillte facilitate the purchase of 123,000 acres of land in Ireland on behalf of international investment funds.
Read MoreThe Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project is a unique opportunity to create healthy ecosystems, build climate resilience and repair our connection with nature. In December, 2022, the crew of Ear to the Ground, RTE One, visited us to learn more about our work and The Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project launched early in November, 2022.
Read MoreSpruce is an incredible tree, but when planted so dense they can be detrimental to local wildlife. Having seen Illuan switch from a dark, blank canvas to now a luminescent and light filled coniferous haven, it is possible to see the potential. It already feels like the forests doors are open to all the surrounding wildlife.
Read MoreEarly this November Hometree Charity received European recognition SIMA Farming award for Environmental Innovation in Paris. This was a huge moment for us! We received this award for our Farm-Forest Project. This project aims to preserve the environment, connect and help farmers introduce tree systems onto their productive farms as part of a European Program funded by the Department of Agriculture.
Read MoreWhen the word ‘rainforest’ is mentioned, it immediately conjures up an image of humid tropical jungles far from home, burgeoning with a dizzying abundance of life in all its forms and with an air of danger and otherness. In a temperate north-western European context, our peatlands have sometimes been referred to as the miniature, northern, version of the rainforest, but in fact Ireland is home to a habitat that ticks most of the boxes to be called a genuine rainforest.
Read MoreThe purpose of the Autumn Experience Week, same as it was for the Spring Experience Week, was to find a way to bring people into the fold of Hometree in a physical way, to get hands on experience but also have time with the staff and each other. It has been said we know exactly what we need to do to protect the environment, but for some reasons it is not happening.
Read MoreThis report will provide the first follow-up assessment to the initial baseline survey carried out in 2021, which documented the ecological condition of the spruce plantation known as the Illaun Farm-Forest (Costigan 2021). The Biodiversity Metric 3.1 was used to score the site as it allowed for the rapid assessment of biodiversity indicators.
Read MoreIn a world with so many complex systems and information available in so many forms, I feel blessed to do my work; it keeps me grounded in action. I see a lot of positive impacts, both on the human community where we have sites but so much impact on the lands that we work in and own.
Read MoreOur Farm-Forest EIP has a large community engagement, so we are thrilled to announce that throughout the months of June and July we will be hosting Illaun Farm-Forest EIP Community and Farm Talk Series.
Read MoreHometree’s EIP is the Illaun Farm-Forest Alliance, and it will foster an alliance between landowners committed to enhancing on-farm biodiversity throughout the Glendine Valley in County Clare. In this video Matt Smith, general manager and co-founder of Hometree, talks about the benefits these woodlands will offer to the farmlands taking part in the Illaun Farm-Forest Alliance project.
Read MoreHometree’s Engagement and Education officer Ray Ó Foghlú runs the farmer engagement side of the Illaun Farm-Forest Alliance. Hometree is working to support farmers in ways that benefit their farm, but also the broader environment. The idea was built around a complex of small oakwoods near Miltown Malbay.
Read MoreEarlier this Spring, March 14 - 21, Hometree hosted the Spring Volunteer Retreat Week. This week was a lovely example that showed the dedication of Irish people to engage and learn about the environment and how to protect and regenerate it. Volunteers and Hometree staff met on Monday morning; we had some time to get to know each other, learn about why we are all there and what we hoped to get out of the week.
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