Ballyfarney Site: The Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project
In November, 2022, Hometree launched the Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project. This project seeks to restore thousands of acres of temperate rainforests through three primary strategies: facilitating natural regeneration by removing grazing pressure, fencing off remnant pockets of forests to allow for their expansion, and planting trees where there is a strong ecological rationale to do so.
Ballyfarney site is situated along the Easkey River in County Sligo and is a part of the Wild Atlantic Rainforest Project.
Size: 88 acres
Location: Ballyfarney, near Easkey River, County Sligo
Current Condition:
The site comprises of a western blanket bog and a strip of alluvial soil by the Easkey River, there is also an ancient hazelwood on the sites eastern boundary. The site was partially used as an agricultural land, and historically was used for peat harvesting.
Hometree and The Canopy envision the site as a social utility for the broader community, including biodiversity groups, school groups, and farm groups. The site will serve as a hub for environmental engagement and addressing the climate crisis, embodying a commitment to collective action and stewardship. The vision is to transition the bog on this site from a carbon source to a carbon sink, and we look to support unique bog species and provide habitats for birds, kingfishers and otters. We also look to link with local farming, angling and conservation groups to ensure that the site functions as an accelerant to nature restoration on the broader landscape.
Site Partner:
This project was made possible through the collaboration with The Canopy who has supported Hometree in acquiring Ballyfarney Site. As the Canopy notes:
“Since the centre’s rebrand in 2023, The Canopy has prioritised sustainability in its planning and operations. Integration of plants and trees has transformed the centre into a vibrant green hub, complemented by the installation of solar panels contributing to renewable energy initiatives. Recognising the urgency to address Ireland’s declining biodiversity and climate change challenges, The Canopy has also proactively supported Hometree’s mission to restore Ireland’s ancient oceanic woodlands. The collaboration, facilitated by The Canopy, enables Hometree to implement various projects focused on land regeneration and biodiversity conservation through restoration and education.”